How Do I
Buy a Home

In every home search, there are some important steps you can take to make the process easier. Our timeline will help you keep track of where you are in the process and allow you to plan ahead for the next step. Contact a Mortgage Specialist at any time to schedule a consultation.
Ready to apply for a Mortgage?
Step 1: Pre-Approval
Be one step ahead of the rest! Before you start looking for a home, call a Metro Mortgage Specialist at 877.MY.METRO to determine how much you can afford and obtain a fully underwritten pre-approval by a qualified underwriter.
Step 2: Home Search
If you're not already working with a realtor to assist you in your home search, Metro can recommend a professional in your desired area. Having a realtor working for you can help you throughout the process and provide you with knowledge, support, and peace of mind at no cost to you!
Step 3: Make an Offer
Your offer will require an initial down payment, that is credited toward your home purchase at closing.
Step 4: Home Inspection
It’s good practice to make your purchase offer contingent on a home inspection, to help you discover the overall condition of the home. This will ensure you don’t make a costly mistake of purchasing a house in need of major repairs.
Step 5: Purchase Contract
This is your contractual obligation to purchase the home under the terms agreed upon. It's important to remember that you will be required to provide a portion or all of your down payment when you sign the Purchase Contract.
Step 6: Mortgage Financing
A Metro Mortgage Specialist will work closely with you to ensure you receive a Commitment Letter outlining the terms of your mortgage loan.
Step 7: Closing
At this meeting, you will sign all your required documents. Your closing attorney will work with you to ensure you have a full understanding of what you're signing.